Shipping free on prepaid orders. Or Cash On Delivery orders shipping Rs49/- Only flat X

    You can write to for your corporate gifting requirements.
    As per company policy, a shipment can't be opened before delivery, but you can accept the shipment and get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.
    On the rare occasion that your order is delayed, please check your email & messages for updates. A new delivery timeframe will be shared with you and you can also track its status by visiting My Orders.
    The courier service delivering your order usually tries to deliver on the next business day in case you miss a delivery. You can check your SMS for more details on when the courier service will try to deliver again.
    No, sellers will not be able to accept returns after the time period mentioned in the seller's Returns Policy.
    Visit My Orders to check the status of your replacement. In most locations, the replacement item is delivered to you at the time of pick-up. In all other areas, the replacement is initiated after the originally delivered item is picked up. Please check the SMS & email we send you for your replacement request for more details.